The long wait for Diablo 4 is slowly crawling to an end. Diablo iv is a good game but needs more innovation. D4 did learn from the strengths of the first three titles. There is nothing wrong with D4.
However, I did not see the progress a new "series" should have besides the picture and special effects.
Competitors such as Path of Exile celebrated the best parts of Blizzard's classic titles without parroting the same features, taking customization, for instance.
Diablo iv inherited some game assets, such as customization options and the Paragon system.
We also noticed one brand-new thing, such as the Codex of Power. "Codex of Power entries is a feature that we've added in Diablo IV," Joseph Piepiora, Associate Game Director on Diablo IV, once said. But the essence did not change too much, and it's more like it is more playable.
The "Diablo" series is a brilliant ARPG game. No wonder the diablo series is called "Diablo-like.
I expect that D4 could create some new designs and gameplay, but as far as the demo goes, there's nothing too revolutionary here regarding the core Diablo action-RPG formula. It's the same dungeon-crawling, demon-defeating isometric combat everyone expects from a Diablo game. In terms of how it plays, it feels like a hybrid between Diablo 2 and Diablo 3.
As the developer said in this interview, this is a tribute to the Diablo series.
The "Diablo IV" team has reportedly been losing vast amounts of talent for over a year now, with many developers becoming tired of leadership changes and "mismanagement," opting instead to seek out other employment with more competitive salaries and work conditions.
Veteran Blizzard Entertainment developers Luis Barriga, the director of Diablo 4, and Jesse McCree, one of the game's lead designers, are no longer employed at the game company.
It seems reasonable to expect that, in this case, the direction will turn conservative.
So at this stage, is diablo iv worth trying? If you are a fan of the Diablo series and enjoy its gameplay, Diablo 4 is likely a solid choice.
However, you may be slightly disappointed if you seek something new and different.
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