Diablo 4 Rogue Specialization Explained

diablo 4 rogue

Diablo 4 has unique mechanics for every class that contribute to its identity and the build-making process. For the Rogue, it's called Specialization. Today we're going to talk about the Rogue class's Specialization, which is their unique class mechanic, which is going to add even more fun and flavor to the different Rogue builds.

Reaching level 15 is all you need to unlock the Specialization ability for the Rogue class in Diablo 4. The Specialization ability will be unlocked once you have completed the Priority Quest called "True Potential." 

So we have Combo Points where our Basic skills generate Combo Points up to three, and then they apply to our Core skills. So Combo Points can do way more damage, get more arrows, knock enemies down, give us massive attack speed, or provide us with an enormous movement speed buff. So build Combo Points, and you unleash a big devastating attack. Of course, we can pair it with other cooldowns like Concealment to nuke something. 

Combo points are consumed by the following Core Skills and their damage output depends on how many you have built up:

  • Barrage: Combo Points increase damage and arrows fired: +20%/+40%/+60% damage, 6/7/8 arrows.
  • Rapid Fire: Combo Points increase damage and arrows fired: +13%/+26%/+39% damage, 6/7/8 arrows.
  • Penetrating Shot: Combo Points increase damage and grant a chance to Knock Down for 1.5 seconds: +30%/+60%/+90% damage, 10%/20%/30% chance.
  • Flurry: Combo Points increase damage and grant a +30% Attack Speed bonus: +25%/+50%/+75% damage, 1.5/3.0/4.5-second bonus.
  • Twisting Blades: Combo Points increase damage and grant a Movement Speed bonus: +30%/+60%/+90% damage, 20%/40%/60% bonus.

The Inner Sight Specialization is going to be little icons placed on enemies, and you need to DPS them. The more damage you do, the faster the little bar fills up. When it's full, you get unlimited energy. And this can be incredibly strong, and it actually applies quite often.  In regular gameplay, you can expect a proc every 10 to 20 seconds. It procs all the time, and it's very strong on things like bosses. If you're hitting the whole screen with stuff, or you have something where it's straightforward for you to be mobile and attack the right target, this is extremely powerful. 

The Diablo 4 beta does not yet allow the use of Preparation, therefore we are unsure if it does at this time. Although nothing is confirmed as of the time of writing, some fans have hypothesized that it will have something to do with skill cooldowns, akin to World of Warcraft.
