Diablo 4 Shrines Explained: Types & Buffs

diablo 4

It's no secret that shrines are a key part of the Diablo series, and Diablo 4 doesn't disappoint. Players in Diablo 4 can gain buffs from shrines throughout their journey. Shrines are scattered across Sanctuary, offering players temporary buffs when they interact with them. This guide will explain everything you need to know about Shrines in Diablo 4, including their types and effects.

Shrines Basic Stats & Duration

The effective duration of Shrines in Diablo 4 is 30 seconds but can be extended by up to 10% with a specific Affix on Boots. This brings the maximum known Shrine effect duration to 33 seconds. Interacting with a Shrine grants a basic boost of 35% movement speed increase, and all players must click on the Shrine for its effect even when in a party.

Shrine Types & Buffs

D4 Shrine Type Buffs/Effects Per Shrine in Diablo 4 Lore Text
Artillery Shrine Your Attack Speed is increased, and all attacks summon holy arrows. Divine weapons abet the worthy.
Blast Wave Shrine You periodically explode, damaging enemies around you. Arcane power brings destruction.
Channeling Shrine Your skills cost no resources and have reduced cooldown. Endless harmony dwells within.
Conduit Shrine You can shock and surge through enemies. You are the storm's fury made manifest.
Greed Shrine Enemies drop Gold when hit, and you automatically pick up Gold from farther away. Wherever the brave strike, riches follow.
Lethal Shrine All of your skills deal more damage and Critically Strike. Fate guides the deft hand to strike true.
Protection Shrine You are Invulnerable and Unstoppable. Faith is the shield against darkness.

Currently, the game offers seven types of Shrines. We will update this section if more Shrines are found.

So there you have it, all the Shrine types in Diablo 4, along with their effects and buffs. 
