How to Get Diablo 4 Murmuring Obols

How to Get Diablo 4 Murmuring Obols

Murmuring Obols is a currency in Diablo 4 which can be spent at the Purveyor of Curiosities, a vendor  located in towns in Sanctuary. Today we're going to be looking at how you can farm Obols, the currency you're going to need in order to do your gambling in this game, which in turn can also massively help you to gear up and get some of the best items in the game. 

Now, there are a few things you can do in order to get these Obols, but I found by far the best is by completing Events. 

Where to find Events

Events can be found at fixed locations all around the Fractured Peaks. They first show up as a triangle encircled by three dots on your map. As you come closer to an Event, it will change into a wide orange circle, within of which is the Event's location. Just entering the orange circle to start the Event will start the quest for you and any additional players that join you. These ought to be finished in no more than five minutes.

You can get yourself some really nice loot here that's going to scale to your level, but you're always going to get yourself some murmuring Obols. 

You can get yourself some Obols, and of course, if the gear is not what you're after, you can sell it and make some D4 gold. Really kick yourself out very early on, of course, going back to town again if you wanted to and you want to spend your ovals, you're going to Lizveth, the Purveyor of Curiosities, who can be found in Kyovashad. She'll have some class-specific items ready for you to gamble on. 

Where to use Obols

Here is everything you can buy with Murmuring Obols from the Purveyor of Curiosities in Diablo 4:

  • Class-based Weapons (e.g. Bows for Rogue, Staff for Sorcerer, Axe for Barbarian) – 50 – 75 Obols
  • Cap – 40 Obols
  • Tunic – 40 Obols
  • Gloves – 25 Obols
  • Boots – 25 Obols
  • Pants – 40 Obols
  • Whispering Key – 20 Obols

Purchasing any of these items – with the exception of the Whispering Key – will give you a random version of them.

But remember, it's all going to scale to your level, and gambling in this can be a great way to get yourself kitted very easily with some of the better gear in the game. 
